PG&E: San Bruno Fire - An Alternate Theory Leading To Another Fire
Date: January 22nd 2013 Author: Pete Bennett
Reference Link: Suspected and Known Arson Fires
Pleasant Hill CA: Shortly after the San Bruno Fire in 2011 a PGE high performance engineer was sitting a desk across from me at my web start-up located at 1923a Oak Park Blvd, Pleasant Hill CA requesting a nearly useless database project. This person was nice enough but under extreme duress, lacked focus but also highly agitated when former Lt. David Oberhoffer appeared shortly after he arrived but he never seemed interested in his project.

A deposit was presented to build a skeleton database for his ongoing litigation which sounded like extortion by a former employee who teamed up with an attorney. What wasn't known then was he worked for PGE but the nearly impossible coincidence was the San Bruno Fire was
Sept 2010 a few days after the San Bruno Fire A PGE High Performance Engineer order a database solution for his litigation support needs. My best guess was this was perhaps a few bankers boxes but in retrospect he didn't need the database and was there about former San Francisco Police Officer David Oberhoffer who retired in June 2010. My problem with Oberhoffer is his connection to the Piedmont Lumber Fire and his connection to persons that I know have tried to run me off the road.
he paid a deposit but never returned calls but that afternoon Oberhoffer arrived and this guy appeared to be scared to death of him.
By February 2011 a company called Ravenelle Enterprises calls from Fresno saying they "found" my resume on Craigslist. They said they wanted to hire me but given I was homeless, broke, and barely surviving I said yes, sure, no problem, when do you want to start but knowing that I was sleeping in the rain it was going to be tough road.
My problem was getting clothes and getting around. Then my phone goes off but Ravenelle apparently undeflected by my problems makes contact again after the phone was off for three weeks. We meet in Walnut Creek and this VP presents my resume that was posted back fall 2010.
I get hired, Ravenelle sells me a car, gets me traveling to Newman, Modesto, Concord, and PGE Offices on Wiget Lane
I've spent several years piecing together job histories, other cases, arson fires, insurance fraud and other stoked up deflection stories.
- ex DOD
- ex Military
- Explosives Background
- Large Properties e.g. land in Northern California
- Current law enforcement or friends of law enforcement
- Persons deployed in a military sensitive positions
- Access to logistics, banking, finance, drones and Cointelpro investigations
- Access to Law Enforcement Databases and Intel
Looking motives on the San Bruno Fire using a disruption model one could surmise that disrupting gas lines could create a ripple effect throughout the system or region. Gas transmission and power arrive at numerous entry points. My past project once included mapping SBC Global's DSL system to orders. Not complicated but an eye opener but SBC inadvertently bankrupted the agency responsible for paying me back in 2001. So much for feeding your kids but Hicks Consulting sued and won so SBC retaliated by cutting off Hicks Consulting.
Please see Case CIVMSC02-00313 - HICKS VS SBC SERVICES or
Giving Credit where it's due
- PG&E is moving in the right direction in regards to safety and placing citizens over the cantankerous PUC debates but working in unison instead of cross principles would help facilitate progress.
- The neighborhood you're protecting could be yours, mine or your family.
- The businesses that rely on consistent and reliable power that drive one of the largest economies in the world rely on an aging system with systemic problems from legacy that has left the room long ago.
It would be nice for SBC to pony up as the Agency filed Bankruptcy and vanished. The project broke down after working for months without payment.
Mid September 2010 PG&E High Performance Engineer
Around early September 2010 right around the San Bruno Fire a person (Coded: H.S.) contacted me for software services. He arrived either the first or second Saturday after the biggest pipeline fire in the country. He placed an order for services, left a deposit and was instructed return with documents. The problem was he never returned but the bigger problem was when Oberhoffer arrived on top of this appointment but today I'm highly suspect of Oberhoffer's timing and his connection to other suspect events, his job history, and suspiciously early pictures he took of the Piedmont Lumber Fire that was a Johnny on the Spot scoop or perhaps he knows more.
Months later I'm homeless, either fighting for survival or meeting some of the nicest down and outs around. Stuck in San Francisco Tenderloin for four months but using by Singing To Survive I returned to Walnut Creek by Christmas where I connected with Hillside Covenant Church.
- Anyone connected to PGE is not my normal client
- The High Performance Engineer would be an innocuous event except that this was days after the San Bruno Fire
- The other person in the room possessed images of the Piedmont Lumber Fire that in my opinion plus that of others was far too early in the fire.
- The day of the Piedmont fire I was attending State Senators Mark Desauliniers event at the Lafayette library more or less ranting about what would surface as CNET.
- That afternoon my engine threw a rod - oops the oil sensing light failed - thank god for Mormons who sell crappy cars.
The vendor for PGE owes me about $10,000 but PGE's attorneys have ignored me saying that their vendors are responsible for paying their bills. They took my time sheets and got paid but decided that paying me was not in their best interest. Weeks later my car was totaled in Lafayette - search on accident in this blog.
Senator DeSaulnier showed concern initially but my concerns are the San Bruno Fire is a critical infrastructure component required for the worlds 11th largest economy to function. I didn't ask for this connection but my suspect is relentless but I've filed police reports in Walnut Creek, Lafayette and Pleasant Hill but since filing them I've had about three solid attempts on life - e.g. car accidents, someone from Hillside Covenant Church tried to run me over in Lafayette - Lt. Gorski told me to pound sand while he was busy driving Vice Ultra Lounge out of business, the Chief of Police of Lafayette, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Danville and Clayton have all announced their retirements since CNET became a household name.
Wait until you read about the connection to my arson map and Peter Branagh where I was at event where CCSO detectives appeared. A movie making event where they made me the star? Not really but days later a young kid at the Walnut Creek McDonald's yelled Daddy it's Pete, get your gun!
I get it - I get that the story is far from over.
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