Fired Deputy Howard Fights Back or maybe his truck will blow up like mine did

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 925-399-1082
Posted: 08/07/2013

Walnut Creek CA:  The bowels of CNET once again will flush our tax dollars down the drain.  We, us and the Tax Payer gets the financial enema that could have been avoided with Bennett v. Collins filed on Sept 26th 2011.  

The Danville Town Council prefers to escape litigation with brute force, extortion, witness intimidation and extortion by beating residents (me), arresting them (me), accusing them of being a drug dealer (me, falsely), stealing tools (me) then systematically targeting resident into financial ruin (me) but while they were at person no longer close me arranged a series of accidents, a little bacteria and some high speed police tactics.  

So Mr. Howard we've spoken before and I'm sure you remember all the chaos with divorcees in Danville, I'm sure you like many how a kid could flip and kill his mom, how perfectly normal families would come apart at the seems, how the owner of the Dry Cleaners on Diablo decides to commit suicide over business problems, how a mom that once lived on La Questa Drive could get arrested for hiring a hit man that vanishes after dropping 100K on a local fleecing attorney, or better a Mom with children would end up 680 without car when she makes a tidy six figure sum. 

Perhaps Mr. Howard you might want to drive up Valle Vista turn right on Plaza Circle where two houses burned the foundation or drive over the BlackHawk where that Doctor lost his son in that attic fire (newspaper quote) that looks just like another attic fires on Donegal Way near that drive by shooting but also near a local business in Walnut Creek whose Piano Player died recently which sounds just like Tyler the former Meenar's bartender who stroked out ten years back at 36, or perhaps Arturo Cruz the San Pablo Councilman who also at 36 stroked.  which Then if you really want ponder look at Cigarettes Cheaper five time award winning fire bomber victim.   

We need to start a prize system for the best arsonist award in Contra Costa County.  When you're an arson victim like I am where sworn police officers and highly paid Fire Personnel who are listen the dispatch calls where I was told over 10 callers stated flames were shooting back behind my truck.  I called the State Fire Marshall and sort of got somewhere, but I called other departments outside of Contra Costa County who kinda what you are saying, your truck was blazing with flames and the oil plug was down 2 1/2 turns and they let you go?  

I get it burn baby burn but I've also got a Contra Costa County Fireman stalking me from Hillside Covenant Church who took my sons two years and have run interference which is a violation of my civil rights but try getting an attorney from the Contra Costa Bar Association to take your case.  All they've said for years is sorry - well perhaps you guys might have connected your Bar Association to a murder/arson conspiracy case?  

Sorry for the strong opinions but it's been two years since my car was totaled that was uninsured so Lafayette Police told me it was unfortunate.  

Mr. Howard here are a couple of pointers for you to you survive a lawsuit against Contra Costa County.  

  1. Look over your shoulder daily. 
  2. If you've got a CCWP then bring the equalizer tool along.
  3. Learn the facts about Bennett v. Collins they beat up my counsel] 
  4. Check your brakes I have police report on file with WCPD 
  5. Check your oil plug for temperature sensitive wax and accelerant (fuel for your tail pipes) 
  6. Make sure you inform your family that in 2004 a high speed driver (deliberately accident) nearly killed me and my sons on SB 680
  7. Be careful where and what you eat - for almost ten years I kept saying I was poisoned but CCCMRC doesn't get it that all these homeless and downtrodden are being hit with bacteria.  They die at night or they foam at the mouth on the Contra Costa Trail. 
  8. If you see have valuables lock them up as someone within CCSO or SRVFPD will steal them - my article about my stolen Krugerrands matches another former Danville Real Estate Agents said about her 4 carat ring.  I bet its another one of those special Danville Fires - funny Chris Spence, Loretta Hale, Roma Bhatia, Brian Schewling, Glen Langstrom, Peter Branagh and John Kelly were real estate agents and this other guy Billion have all died.
    The reason Glen is in here is like Brian he carried a huge debt load, the reason is here is he was friends with Craig Wilson who died with Eric Nunn who potentially would be a of great influence on the Concord Naval Weapons Station planning plus he was a planning Commissioner.  
  9. Please don't fly as I knew Peter Branagh and Eric Nunn - sorry can't prove it because I was blindsided in 2010 and once again forced to shut down my operations.  The Walnut Creek Police made sure that even though I was attacked in the Farmers Market that nothing would happen to the assailant must the Neiman Marcus Petitioner.  

So remember if they can't get you they will get to your family unless you think Catherine Perata, Dino Ghilloti, Nathaniel Greenan, or former Sheriff Richard Rainey nephew Michael McNulty was just "Uncle Fester" the fun guy at some of my open mics.  

The 2011 car accident where I was blinded appears to have damaged my eyesight.  I can't explain the light source other than it's brighter, a warm light that was more like a pulse which became plausible when I read the comments about Asiana.  

Perhaps the Department of Homeland Security might want to read my well documented letters send to the Chief and Several Sergeants - they are in really deep now - I mean really deep as.the Banta Shooting Inquest is out.  Seems like we've got a problem enveloping our towns and cities where the best solution is commandeer a toe clipper chasers over at the TSA.  

My accident particulars might explain why so many cars are just running off the road and killing the occupants where their cars just catch on fire (Cherry Lane at Treat), 680 at Hwy 4 (Grayson Creek) or that nice kid that was killed on Stone Valley Road or Nate Greenan.  

By the way Mr. Howard, James Greenan is this super lawyer who is a member of Alamo 1st on Stone Valley, who knows the Lafayette repair shop whose mechanic by some divine intervention just happened be right behind me and actually saw me, who knows my former Mormon employer whose employee Phil nearly died of Spinal Meningitis, just Shimansky, just like Pollecek, and most likely is what killed Gary Bell.  

My police report filed in 2009 stands which paints a chilling scenario of the perfected murder.  That is why I wrote Murder By Bacteria as a warning to residents that someone with Great Expertise in Bio-Weapons, Bio-Toxins or Pharmacology that is able to create undetectable designer drug.  My hallucination article precedes the Anthony Banta Jr. fatal police shooting by weeks.  

By the way there are more deaths in the Music Community that bear a resemblance to profiling model. 


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