The Emmon Bodfish Murder

National Organization for Marriage

The Historical Project List of Pete Bennett
I am the founder of the MSaccess Expert. I began developing applications in 1984 for a Cabinet and Millwork Shop using a Macintosh 512k!
Projects Overview
From the little ol' Mac 512 with a long dead application called Omnis to modern development tools. I am still developing, coding and thinking. I was born in 1957 and have met Presidents, CEO, Billionaires and Homeless Citizens. I carry a burden of pain from tragedies where today I use m resources to help others.
While most pursue the best house in the best neighborhood you'll find working to better the community.
Similar... Our Brief to the Supreme Court. NOM has filed a major brief with the United Stated Supreme Court urging SCOTUS to protect people of faith from governmental discrimination because of their belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Read on NOMBLOG. JOIN US AND HELP PRESERVE MARRIAGE ...
National Organization for ... · March for Marriage · Contact · Our work
About Us - National Organization for Marriage
SimilarConsistent with its 501(c)(4) nonprofit status, NOM works to develop political messaging, build its national grassroots email database of voters, and provide political intelligence and donor infrastructure on the state level, with a focus on developing new strategies for increasing influence in the Northeast and West Coast, ...
Californians Against Hate. The Prop. 8 dishonor role

Dumber than Dumb Bill

Pete Bennett married into the East Bay Mormon community in 1996.
Southern Pacific General Counsel

This attorney deposed Pete Bennett in 1988 at the Southern Pacific Building in San Francisco. Years later Kopf moved to Fremont Group at 199 Fremont Street. Years later Bennett learns his key witness had been murdered.
Bill's Willy
Bill Gates invested in Calera Capital in 1993 with the same parties connected to Those parties operated like terrorists who enticed many with housing in the best towns and locations. Pete Bennett was hit from all sides, by the, murders of witnesses, arson, attempted murder and poison.
Mr. Epstein and Mr. Gates
While Bill's Willy was wanderng Mr. Epstein was setting up the powerful for a precipitous fall.
Posted: 06/13/2013
Prop. 8: The Donors aka The Dishonor Roll
PEOPLE / POLITICS / RELIGIONRobert Gammon — Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:38 PM

, Lafayette, CA $25,000 on 8/15/08