She was murdered to cover-up to real truth about the 2004 Pipeline explosion
The Forgery Problem: Officer Rabinowitz like many other times has refused to open a case
The Attorney: Said it was my money
The Executor: Alex Bennett Salt Lake City UT - given my setbacks finding him was challenge
This trust document was prepared by an attorney that told me if my brother won't pay up then I'll have to sue which really ticked me off was this document was supposed to solve that .
Given the current history with the Walnut Creek Police Department they won't investigate stalking, a hit and run attempt, a breach of data linked to PGE Databases why would they bother with forgery
The Contra Costa Bar won't assist with an attorney - they told me no one was interested
My theory is the Bar is controlled by the Barrister's who slice up cases to suit their needs. I've called enough times and been sent on waste of time referrals. One day I realized one attorney was fishing for details on the Danville case that would have netted a large award.
By the way all the going public might seem like a bad move but this sheds light on the Contra Costa Bar, The courts could be truly broken as as in 1992 I was burned by a law firm where the Senior Partner attorney who yanked the case from his associate attorney, settled for about 400K short and basically burned my case for their fees. The judge was siding with my attorney at hearing and pretty much lied through the hearing, he was adverse with me and painting his own client in a negative way. I understand that I could remove counsel but weeks from Trial?
I've heard enough probate stories where they over for various reasons and bleed the estate down with the pretense of protecting the estate. File a lien of the property could be done for less than $500 but one firm took out a $250,000 loan then started taking their fees. The let the daughter stay but actually told he she couldn't have guests or overnights.
This trust was a rip-off by brother and its reasonable to say that our trust attorney did a poor job.