December 31st 2012
Walnut Creek Safeway 600 South Broadway
On this very chilly evening I'm staying warm by the sheer generosity of Safeway Employees who are letting me lay my head on the table. It's been very hard getting back to work as dealing with the constant followers (not your flock following you on Sunday), stalkers, tails and whoevers constantly near driving my friends away while struggling to find meaningfull work is simply overwhelming. In the last 24 months there have been numerous deaths near me. One longtime acquaintance died suddenly on Christmas - this was a person I've know since 1978 when I first arrived here.
On July 20th 2011 my car was totaled but what I haven't spoken about is how I was targeted by certain members of this church. Just a few days before this accident I emailed Jeff Reed - it took a year to for him to respond and even longer for Hillside to allow me to file a claim. My opinion is that Hillside Members were actively stalking me along with others and that includes Walnut Creek Police Captain Schultz's accusations that I'd attacked a City Worker riding a lawn mower. The groundsworker was played into the Sergeants, Captains and detectives little game that morning which I've written about called the 5150 Business Model or the perfect circle.
The timing of the accident, the loss of my apartment and how Keith Lynds apparent connection to the Danville Town Council was disturbing since back in 2006 the plan was to sue the Town of Danville but they beat up my attorney - shazam! no more lawsuit.
Last year I had contract with a PGE Subcontractor worth over $200,000 in revenues, long term client, solid requirements and months of high demand hours for a project tied to the biggest fire in the country. After the car accident and arrest Mr. Lynds apparently was still connected to my sons but I'd been cut off, my one son spent the night with another youth director and that was it.
When the car accident occurred the Lafayette Police simply refused to investigate so I started calling my state senators. They sent the state police which I have mixed feelings about as I also met with Cheif Bryden and City Manager Ken Nordoff after I was accosted by Kenny Brizendine who apparently lives accross the street from the retired San Francisco Police Officer who has pictures of the Piedmont Fire that appeared to me to be way to early in the fire process to a coincidence.
As you can see I've filed a claim that took an amazing three months to get started. I intend to file a claim as something happened but more important is Facebook cancelled Lynds account over activities e.g. extended communications between my sons and Mr. Lynds.
We're going on 10 months from when I realized Lynds was still connected to my sons but I was cut off - the boys managed to get a message out about these people as Tony Collins disconnected via Facebook as soon as replied back with the heavy "he nearly killed me".
I even stood on Magnolia with a sign designed to get their attention after the Sunday service. I ran into a member yesterday who asked me how I was doing. I said fine, they towed my truck away, spent Christmas in the rain, still waiting for Pastor Reed to call me, lost my place to live again, lost my contract but he said I just spent the weekend with Mr. Lynds so I said call him and get him to send me his insurance information.
Gary Collins also worked at Big O Lafayette which directly accross the street from Gregs Muffler who back in 2004 I took my truck in for repairs. Gregs Mechanics stated he was right behind me on 680 then he said he witnessed my truck erupting in flames.
I met with Cheif Christensen on July 20th 2012 one year to the date of the accident but unknown to me was that Charles Silvermans untimely crash.
If you're a member of Hillside put yourself in my shoes, Gary Collins nearly beats me to death, eight years later he falls down an elevator shaft, weeks after two of my former real estate peers were killed and about sixty days after my Karoake DJ friend dies and months before another Hillside recipient of their benevolent lunches is murdered.
There is shadow of death in the room that covers all the light that you could ever bring in those big windows up at Hillside.
By the way several of my suspects live or work within walking distance of where the "device" was found on Pleasant Hill Elementary School grounds.
Yep I get it clearly
Walnut Creek Safeway 600 South Broadway

On July 20th 2011 my car was totaled but what I haven't spoken about is how I was targeted by certain members of this church. Just a few days before this accident I emailed Jeff Reed - it took a year to for him to respond and even longer for Hillside to allow me to file a claim. My opinion is that Hillside Members were actively stalking me along with others and that includes Walnut Creek Police Captain Schultz's accusations that I'd attacked a City Worker riding a lawn mower. The groundsworker was played into the Sergeants, Captains and detectives little game that morning which I've written about called the 5150 Business Model or the perfect circle.
The timing of the accident, the loss of my apartment and how Keith Lynds apparent connection to the Danville Town Council was disturbing since back in 2006 the plan was to sue the Town of Danville but they beat up my attorney - shazam! no more lawsuit.
Last year I had contract with a PGE Subcontractor worth over $200,000 in revenues, long term client, solid requirements and months of high demand hours for a project tied to the biggest fire in the country. After the car accident and arrest Mr. Lynds apparently was still connected to my sons but I'd been cut off, my one son spent the night with another youth director and that was it.
When the car accident occurred the Lafayette Police simply refused to investigate so I started calling my state senators. They sent the state police which I have mixed feelings about as I also met with Cheif Bryden and City Manager Ken Nordoff after I was accosted by Kenny Brizendine who apparently lives accross the street from the retired San Francisco Police Officer who has pictures of the Piedmont Fire that appeared to me to be way to early in the fire process to a coincidence.
As you can see I've filed a claim that took an amazing three months to get started. I intend to file a claim as something happened but more important is Facebook cancelled Lynds account over activities e.g. extended communications between my sons and Mr. Lynds.
We're going on 10 months from when I realized Lynds was still connected to my sons but I was cut off - the boys managed to get a message out about these people as Tony Collins disconnected via Facebook as soon as replied back with the heavy "he nearly killed me".
I even stood on Magnolia with a sign designed to get their attention after the Sunday service. I ran into a member yesterday who asked me how I was doing. I said fine, they towed my truck away, spent Christmas in the rain, still waiting for Pastor Reed to call me, lost my place to live again, lost my contract but he said I just spent the weekend with Mr. Lynds so I said call him and get him to send me his insurance information.
Gary Collins also worked at Big O Lafayette which directly accross the street from Gregs Muffler who back in 2004 I took my truck in for repairs. Gregs Mechanics stated he was right behind me on 680 then he said he witnessed my truck erupting in flames.
I met with Cheif Christensen on July 20th 2012 one year to the date of the accident but unknown to me was that Charles Silvermans untimely crash.
If you're a member of Hillside put yourself in my shoes, Gary Collins nearly beats me to death, eight years later he falls down an elevator shaft, weeks after two of my former real estate peers were killed and about sixty days after my Karoake DJ friend dies and months before another Hillside recipient of their benevolent lunches is murdered.
There is shadow of death in the room that covers all the light that you could ever bring in those big windows up at Hillside.
By the way several of my suspects live or work within walking distance of where the "device" was found on Pleasant Hill Elementary School grounds.
Yep I get it clearly