Economic Losses related to CNET Scandal

Author: Pete Bennett

Walnut Creek CA - One very troubling fact is how I've been targeted by Police Officers, CNET personell and now the Contra Costa County Bar won't even allow me to get to bar attorney that suggest the Contra Costa Legal Community is flogged into submission to handlers.  My July 2011 accident forced a hard look at "other" incidents.  That is why I've concluded that my attorney who was beaten in Walnut Creek was not basketball ball game where two players got in a tussle on the court - it was planned by CNET Officers who's goal was to stop my litigation.

It's nearly pathetic to hear from defense counsel who suggested I should move across the country for my safety and leave my kids behind.  My strategy is much different - I'm to ask the cities to review the legal community for possible malfeasance with litigants who've been prevented due process.

Incorporate Your Business For FreeIf you read my challenge to the Contra Costa Bar. I am left homeless (January 2013), beaten down to bankrupt, been fined to death by Judge Golub, slapped with abusive court motions by parties that interfered with my sons, had my attorney beaten up, the truck fire was the best and had numerous police reports filed about me so many in fact i can't even tell what their about.

Via this page I'm going to list the losses and see if the Contra Costa Bar will step up to the plate and do their job - find me representation.  I've lost everything, my sons, house, cars, licenses, software development career and I sleep outside behind my friends house.  The folks at Hillside Covenant Church know about my car accident and one of their members tried to run me over but Lt. Gorski made sure the police report never saw the light of day.  By my count at least seven solid attempts on my life and not a single investigation went beyond me filling out a police report.

The losses:

Software Development (4000 hours lost) system to manage thousands of domains simultaneously using Pay Per Click and internet marking principles.

Lost of 500 domains valued a $100,000 (future value)

Business Targeting and Business Intimidation connected to CNET related agencies notably Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Danville, Lafayette and most likely an extension of events from Pittsburg officers from the eighties.


Office and Business Targeting $250,000
Loss of Contracting Projects  (Sudden firings) $250,000 Annualized wage losses.

Civil Rights Violations by Chris Butler, Stephen Tanabe, Lombardi and numerous Walnut Creek Officers

I will refine but sleeping on the street isn't what i planned for.  My servers, fast systems are all gone, I have no place to live or work but the net effect is few will engage.

In July 2011 I was driven from my apartment via persons connected to Walnut Creek Officers - my car was totaled weeks after a conversation with Cheif Byrden, DA investigator Daryl Jackson, Danville Councilman Newell Arnerich and Dave Christensen of Alamo 1st Alamo CA.

Somewhere in the mix of these people is the person who totaled my car.

Contra Costa Bar - How my outside attorney was beaten

Contra Costa County Bar Association

My Personal Experience - 

The Legal System has been compromised one case at a time and it took years of sifting through cases to tie the knot together.  

Finding an attorney should be simple for many but in my case when the wagons drawn as almost every attorney in Contra Costa County has said no.  They are scared to be involved.  I have a case against the Bar Association and know it.

Several decades of observations

  • In litigation against Southern Pacific (1992)  forced into adverse settlement 

Some hard facts about my story:

  • CNET is my story - that's Chris Butler, Former Officers Lombardi, Wielsch, and Tanabe who was as Danville CA neighbor.  
  • By now I suspect most attorneys in the County know these facts 
    • My Attorney was beat up in Walnut Creek - no investigation 
    • My Truck was rigged for Arson - no record of accident or fire 
    • A Danville Building Inspector nearly killed me in 2004 - he's dead 
    • My car was totaled by a San Francisco Police Officer -no investigation 
    • That numerous persons near me have been killed, murdered or died suspiciously 
    • They all know I've compiled information about cases spanning 30 years.  
    • They know my former customer Dr. Kim Fang was murdered in 2000 
    • They know several persons near me have been murdered but several were police officers 
    • Who would want to step into my mess

It's clear as day to me that the Bar has been hit a witch doctor who has them under a spell.  Someone has needles in the asses of attorneys as the Attorneys that will speak to me tell me to move away.

You want some good examples of how some Contra Costa Dynasties behave just take a look at my other blog here >> .

The San Ramon Valley Unified School district who's employees hid my children from me in 2006 by hitting me with restraining orders.  Not only did they take my sons via this court hearing but it turns out the bailiff turned was none other than Tanabe.   Tanabe threatened me in court with arrest saying I'd made terrorist threats.  My paperwork was hidden by the clerks which thwarted my "move away prevention orders" as they never reached reached the judge.

In 2004 while living at 161 Valle Vista Danville CA an intruder arrived accusing me is stealing paintbrushes from a job site at 252 Remington Loop Danville CA. Even though I vehemently denied his allegations along with demands that he leave the property instead I was attacked, beaten and outsize by 120 lbs and 6 inches.

I was lucky to survive the attack.  The Danville Police arrived but said he was justified to come over to collect his paintbrushes but during the altercation I had idea I was fighting a friends of the Danville Police Department and Contra Costa County Sheriff   Apparently Collins has family inside CCSO which I'll detail in future articles where you will find my theory on another local murder.

ss    Gary Vinson Collins who at the time was Danville Building Inspector who was contracted to the city via LP2A (now defunct).   Mr. Collins fell down an elevator shaft a few weeks after documents linking CNET officers were handed over to Walnut Creek Chief Bryden.  Collins fell on December 5th 2011 then died from his injuries on 19th.  The last time I saw Collins he was inspecting a house on Waverly Drive Martinez.  His hair was dyed RIT Black but trust me I've got more to say about the name Collins.

On February 12th 2013 I wrote an email to the Contra Costa Bar herein as "The Letter"  which drives a point home that I cannot find counsel.  My statues are expiring, my losses significant and the harassment nearly endless.

My sons live in a trailer that in my opinion could be rigged to explode just like my truck was rigged in 2004.  The Eiko Sugihara murder was a gruesome arson where someone took the life of an 85 year old woman by leaving her to burn to death in her car.

Personally my case is about saving my sons from harm as I know of several other arson cases that occurred over 30 years ago.  Nothing has changed but in my universe the only way these events would go unchecked in that Contra Costa Law Enforcement is turning the cheek to the truth.  Just ask a few homeless black gay men found hanging from trees if you could get an answer from them.

That's Contra Costa County signed sealed and delivered.


Contra Costa Bar: The Letter

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This letter is a general complaint about the legal community in Contra Costa County and the general feeling that I’m red-lined but i guess I'm lucky as James Greenan son was sacrificed to protect Seeno.  This is not some joke as in 2004 these same people are behind the 2004 Truck Fire that is just like other arson fires.  

Back September 2004 I was nearly beaten to death by Gary Collins who is now deceased weeks after he was linked to the CNET scandal with documents directly linking him to Danville Officers.
On July 20th 2011 my car was pushed into oncoming traffic by a retired San Francisco Police Officer which was a direct attempt on my life. After that accident I was forced to review numerous events where I’ve concluded I'm targeted by police officers, CNET, CCSO and others because I went to the FBI.

Last year deputies tried to make sure I didn't live through the jail event but when I got out of jail I discovered someone near me was murdered and my brakes were sabotaged.  Then there are several real estate agents now deceased under suspicious circumstances. 

I have potential claims against nearly every city that managed or supplied police officers to CNET. In the coming weeks you will learn what happened with more than officer from Walnut Creek connected to my story and the reason Chief Bryden suddenly retired is connected to my story. I’m waiting for the next hand to fall on Seeno as well as I know better than most how deep it goes.
Is possible for me to find an attorney that won’t waste my time by gleaning information about the case then telling me he cannot handle my case. When I tell them that my attorney was beaten up and left the area, that my other attorney Don Moats offices were torched which I cannot confirm but know it happened.

I’ve been poisoned, my businesses attacked, been beaten numerous times, threatened, had a $40,000 coin collection stolen by officer Lombardi in 2004 which is why the US Attorney put that amount in the plea deal.

I need an attorney that is not afraid to sue to the county or cities. The state police are investigating several recent incidents.
If you cannot help me then I’m suspecting with good cause that your attorneys have all been warned off – that means I will send a letter to the US Attorney’s office detailing that victims cases are being derailed deliberately by a mysterious secretive council that operates in the back ground.

I've lost my family, my truck was blown up on 2004, poisoned in 2005, my clients have been threatened and the continuous abuse rolls on.  The reason I turned to the SF trial lawyers in 2004 was the Contra Costa Bar and attorneys in the area would not sue Danville or Collins.   

I am owed at least 50K by PGE and believe that they defrauded me in their attempt ti undercover their attempt to find an arsonist.  I know who the arsonist is for the Piedmont Lumber Fire as he’s connected to the same people that torched my truck.

Additionally these same people likely are behind more than one murder and more than one accident.

You either have attorneys or you don’t. I’ve lost millions going back 25 years and the players behind those losses are obviously unwilling to give up.

Let me know what you can as my causes of action are 
  • Personal Injury
  • Fraud
  • Abuse Of Authority of Color of Law
  • Civil Rights violation 
  • Legal Malpractice 
  • Arson
  • RICO 
  • Actions against numerous cities
A few months back an attorney representing cities told me that I should leave the area as I have no case.  I found that odd but I've long suspected that counsel has been colluding to affect the outcome of cases throughout the court system.   

I will not leave and you cannot find an attorney then I suggest you explain why a county full of attorneys cannot represent one citizen.  

Pete Bennett 

Suicide: Patrick Cifo Nice Guy Committing A Suicide?

February 11, 2013It's official we've got another Suicide in Walnut Creek.  I found his picture on meetup - and remember seeing him tooling around on that trike.  He was parked on Main street near the apple store and we chatted about capable speeds.  Nothing remarkable but he appears to be another downtown figure that's passed.  

Just like the other suicides - why does a perfectly normal Vice President take his life.  I am sorry for the family's loss as the tragedy drags on for all around.  


CDC:Leading Causes of Death

This page is here to prove a point 

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The CDC data is normalized for the entire US population.  A better analysis would be using age/peer groups compared careers, political v.s non Political.  

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Leading Causes of Death

(Data are for the U.S. and are final 2010 data; For the most recent preliminary data seeDeaths: Preliminary Data for 2011 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 1.7 MB])

Number of deaths for leading causes of death

  • Heart disease: 597,689
  • Cancer: 574,743
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859
  • Alzheimer's disease: 83,494
  • Diabetes: 69,071
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,476
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 38,364

More data


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I've watched this blog grow rather quickly so I'm deciding how to reorganize content as the original plan was developing a database connected to the content.  Things got away from me as life is huge struggle.

The net effect of all these events has left me begging for money, food and medicine.  The Banta Shooting was extremely personal as it's not the first fatal police shooting near me but Banta graduated from where my sons currently attend school - again on top of car accidents, beatings and arrests your cup can overflow.

The Walnut Creek Police officers via their friends have pretty much made misery out of my life.  Hillside Covenant Church plays a bog role but won't come to the table until forced but the name Collins is critical to my position.

Legal Bills
I've sunk good money after bad into legal bills over 30 years.  In the beginning I had a solid attorney but had a falling out.  What happened about ten years back was abuse of process but who could fight them when you're in the ER fighting for survival - yes someone managed to make me sick and that's what happens when you have a near million in Life Policies but those around you seem to control investigations, medical and closing cases as in the perfect circle.

There is a mountain to climb of debt, medical bills, no reimbursement from Victims Compensation Fund, no supporting police reports and no support from Law Enforcement.  They beat my attorney plus may have torched one belonging to an attorney that represented me.  It's been beyond frustrating getting slammed over and over but several never made it to the courtroom.  That was Seeno Construction who ordered services and then "changed" their minds then used their legal staff to rebuff our collection attempts.  Their day is coming but my construction days suggest they've got big problems coming in their next indictment.

In the meantime you're going to see me asking for work - i am well versed in Microsoft Programming, very strong in many areas but I've been offline so rebuilding my software development operation is proving challenging.  In 2010 I was poised to launch years of programming that would have my 500 domains into a weekly cash machine worth about 10K per week.  The domains are gone, the code lost when I fled the area but when I returned this former SFPD Lt who is connected to the Walnut Creek PD ran me into oncoming traffic.

The CNET scandal for many is over but officers know my status and some I suspect want me dead. When I file my claims they're not going to be happy.

Give me a call at 925-478-0674
or visit Hire Pete

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