Walnut Creek Litigant Kill Team - Don't you dare sue us!

Posted: 09/29/2013

Dear Council Members:

On June 16th 2013 I appeared at city hall in regards to my ongoing problem with the Walnut Creek Police and other agencies connected to CNET.

I believe my plea was pretty desperate where I'm reflecting the endless mayhem near me. Mostly little things like a 25 million dollar investment scheme loss where it's becoming obvious as this is bigger than me but clearly leads to your police department and attorneys near that same scandal.

In 2004 I was nearly killed by Gary Collins but early that year my truck was on fire, then just prior to that my ABS system was tampered with nearly causing me to flip over on 680 near my former cabinet shop in Fairfield CA.

When I learned years later that Collins father owned Big O Tires in Lafayette CA which was directly across from Gregg's Muffler on Mt. Diablo Blvd. Of course the chief of Lafayette police didn't want to take that into consideration when he investigated my 2011 car accident but the fact is they never investigated that accident.

I am going to move part of this blog my site (see insert below)where I've implemented a database system that is a hybrid CMS, CRM and ECM application. Never mind thanks to Lt. Jay Hill's friend retired San Francisco Police Department Lt. David Oberhoffer turning my business efforts into a business nightmare.

On September 28th 2013 someone once again tried to run me over in Walnut Creek. This time it was different I had four witnesses who are also on camera with me at Safeway at 500 S. Broadway,

No one is helping me financially, my food stamps cut off, I've lost my housing again and getting a job with this much bullshit going on well that doesn't work well for long if I even get to the door. No one hires a homeless programmers who's been arrested with back child support that doesn't have clean clothes or access to a regular bath.

Perhaps I should apply for a job with the Contra Costa Bar Association - I'd like to see how far that goes - the pro-bono attorneys have been really helpful or that great bar referral system where they pre determine which cases reach the county. At this point with my story alone this Association should be investigated by the State Bar, SAG, US Grand Jury and the Contra Costa Grand Jury because my suspicions are my attorney was beaten and hospitalized in 2005 to prevent CNET from being discovered then that means members of the bar are all suspect

My day in court will never happen because the Contra Costa Bar Association is a culpable participant which leads to what is known as Conspiracy which leads to RICO charges and maybe a Qui Tam case as the attorneys representing and defending the cities counties and public agencies are connected to "The Club" and if the club won't help me sue these agencies then "the club' has conspired to obstruct justice.


CBS 48 hours: Soccer Moms Confidential

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 06/13/2013

Reposted to Protect My Sons

Watch this video as there is something in here that links to other cases.  



Danville Car Accident Kills Robert Orlando, 17, Injures Friends

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 09/30/2013

Reposted to Protect My Sons

My reposting of this accident is related to something I know is going on.  Sadly this is not the only victim.  It's beyond sad about events once again striking another SRVUSD student and persons connected to the construction industry.  
============================= ========================================

Danville Car Accident Kills Robert Orlando, 17, Injures Friends

By Lisa Fernandez and Christie Smith
|  Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013  |  Updated 6:28 AM PD

Robert Orlando was heading home from a fishing trip with two buddies on Monday night, when the car he was riding in spun out of control, crashed into a tree and killed him on the eve before he was set to become a senior at San Ramon Valley High.
"It's devastating," Frank Barrett, Robert's uncle, told NBC Bay Area on Tuesday. "He had just been out fishing with his friends somehwhere in eastern Danville."
Robert's parents and two brothers were "devastated" by the news, Barrett said, and were planning a funeral for the 17-year-old boy who was such a "passionate kid, someone everyone loved."
According to Danville police, Robert was riding in a car on Monday just before 9 p.m. on El Capitan Drive at Claridge Drive near Crow Canyon Country Club, when, for some reason, the driver, another 17-year-old, lost control.
The white car then smashed into a tree and fence.
Barrett said the family is in the dark about what sparked the crash and killed his nephew - an avid fisherman, golfer and football player.
"He was super friendly and was larger than life," said family friend Richard Hein.
At this point, police said it does not appear that drugs or alcohol was involved in the fatal accident.
"There were no open containers or anything like that," Danville Police Chief Steve Simpkins said. “These are  young local students who should have been starting school this morning."
The driver suffered broken ribs and the other 16-year-old passenger had a broken leg. Both were in stable condition at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek on Tuesday morning.
As school began on Tuesday morning, students created a memorial to Robert, laying flowers, posters and a golf club by the tree where he died. They wrote on a poster that the class of 2014 was surely going to miss him.
The family asks that people who wish to send thoughts or photos should email weloverobert2013@gmail.com.

Walnut Creek Targeted Person

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 06/13/2013

I wanted to post this map so that Walnut Creek City Council, The San Francisco FBI, The State Investigators and Walnut Creek Police might perhaps wonder how a person who walks everywhere, keeps to himself could possibly have his roommate attacked, beaten, a friend killed by police, had his truck towed, brakes vandalized, friend murdered (John Newman) the night he was in jail, had his attorney beaten in Walnut Creek, his other attorney offices burned down (FBI SA Ken K investigated in 2001), knows numerous homeless run over by cars, suspect his attorneys brother in-law (Nate Greenan), or his bouncer @ Round Up killed 20 minutes after they spoke, only to be killed right on top of Nate, or that his car was totaled in Lafayette in 2011.  

In fact it was Lt. Hill of the Walnut Creek Bomb Squad that knows the CNET Squad, the Bomb Squad, Chances are he knows Eric Bergen who was the Pittsburg Cop that murdered Cynthia Kempf in 1998 and there is another cold-case in Walnut Creek, actually there are two but they named suspects who are likely dead.  Just a hunch. 

You got my family but you're not going to kill my sons - 

The PG&E San Bruno Fire was not just an accident - it was hit with explosives or it was arson of opportunity, there is a thrill kill team that I suspect is connected to Hunsacker Canyon Road, and Castlewood and there is an image of sword online in the hands of someone that is now dead that knows the people stalking me.  

Stolen Laptop ~ Last summer someone took my laptop from Safeway at 9:00AM, trust me I was upset and left the area I was quite mad, then I get a call from Officer Kolhmiester who says it's been recovered! Wow I never got a police report, and never got a good idea where it was.  

Achilles Heel
Oh Oh Here She Comes, She's A Man Eater (Google)
To learn more about why this data is so important I'm about to move portions of this blog to my site.  

Search Pete Bennett

I know where they work, their schools and their families (the suspects).  When someone gets close to their game they simply kill them.  They've hacked security cameras where needed specifically Walnut Creek McDonalds and Safeway. 

Perfect Example:  On 09/28/2013 I made purchases at Safeway with my last $2 of cash at 2:00 AM, then got in a minor scuffle with a drunk at Safeway who was being belligerent with the clerk which then spilled outside.  This time I called 911 who heard a car fly by me at 60 through the intersection (oops-Crosswalk) but like many incidents about 30 minutes of arriving at Safeway someone tries to run me over as I walk home.  

And you want me to believe after last years Safeway Parking Lot incident that there is not a connection between using my Safeway Stalking Card as this month I decided to let my EBT card go regardless and just find food.  

I informed Safeway Via Email - from my experience as a database programmer that its theoretically possible that one of several scenarios exist, A) The cards have been breached and the system is being used to steal from unsuspecting customers, B) Given the recent announcement of a potential takeover could be in play requiring the deadly deal killing poison pill tactic of deluding the stock by printing some paper (Poke at the U.S. Treasury) or this is good ole harrassment by persons from within the Walnut Creek Police Department that have something big to hide like Benny Chetcuti Teflon Investments - as in give to me (25 M) but don't expect the money to stick around.  

  1. Plans to disrupt the success of their card program by making a card carrying members like myself a Targeted Persons Social Networking fiasco.   
  2. The number of suicides, murders, or shootings within a tight statistical pattern similar to stalking me is far too near their stores to be a coincidence is alarming  
  3. The Banta, Nordstroms, Treat Blvd, Kaiser WC (2) and there are the fires e.g. Piedmont, La Virage, Happy Nails, Cigarettes Cheaper, believe it not the many fires in Danville near my old neighborhood in Danville known as Cameo Acres but two perfectly timed is hard to ignore.  When you have two total (or near total) losses side by side the begs for asking.  Did anyone notice these other fires and perhaps recategorizing my 2004 fire as arson that originated in Cameo Acres but more important why didn't my fire appear on the books. 



Cameo Acres or Burnville? An analysis of fires near my former residence

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 06/13/2013

Danville CA:  In review of my old neighborhood a disturbing suite of fires was occurring all around me, my sons and my life but right under my nose.  In 2004 my truck was rigged to burn me alive but when I started fact checking fires near me I discovered that this LITTLE neighborhood suffered quite a large number of fires. If there is an arsonist he lives in this neighborhood.  

191 Plaza Circle in Danville

You're welcome to search for yourself but this one lead started me thinking on whether or not they were arsons vs. random fires.  The fire at 161 Plaza Circle had children roughly the same ages as my sons.  The family appears to have come unraveled and divorced which means they didn't attend church.

The unique part here is the structire to west burned in 2003 and I was living there when that one occurred but there was another one in 1980s that killed a father, another across the street, and apparently a few more but a conversation with a former Danville Real Estate agents suggested that San Ramon Fireman were stealing property as she alleged they stole a 25K diamond ring, and I alleged they stole my coin collection in 2004 during one of their tactical maneuvers that Chris Butler ran on me.  

 In 2010 when I fled the area from retired SFPD Lt. David Oberhoffer leaving behind over 50,000 in software licenses, over $500,000 in losses related to development, and 50K in systems.  

The CNET incidents play heavily on what I've gone through but they are in Federal Prison - their big mistake selling Crack Back To The Streets - The Business Model 

Read this open investigation on Marciel Road with San Ramon Fire.  They say as 09/2013 this investigation is still open and I'd say what about my 2004 arson fire?  

The balance of this will be found as below:


Old News: A 40 year old Homeless Woman with FIVE PIPE BOMBS call the WC BOMB Squad

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 06/13/2013

It looks Commander Wielsch conveniently discovered five pipe bombs just when a homeless women was at her homeless persons storage unit counting her foodstamps and clearly debating between how much gun powder she needs.  

She is really pissed off that her EBT card doesn't cover gun powder, matches or pipe found at the local ace hardware.  In fact what is so interesting is the Home Depot pictures, the depth of the forensic evidence is everywhere, where did she buy those supplies, did someone supply her with gun powder, pipes and fuses.  

We must be experiencing a homeless woman pipebomb trend which is why the ATF has raided Seeno's offices in Concord and another firm in Walnut Creeks. 

You should check with "hard to file warrants are us" next time you raid Los Medanos Industrial Park. 


Attempted Hit and Run 1200 Block Walker Ave East Bay Parks Trail Crossing

By PETE BENNETT - Contra Costa Watch EMAIL
Phone: 510-460-5641
Posted: 09/28/2013

Walnut Creek CA: 2:15 AM 

This blogger has had enough as last night (2:15 AM) while walking home from downtown Walnut Creek a car raced by at perhaps 70 mph or better where Walker Ave becomes Mt. Diablo Blvd about the Iron Horse Trail in the very new and very done Crosswalk where Walnut Creek Intermediate, Indian Valley and Los Lomas High School children/kids traverse everyday.  All three schools are part of Mt. Diablo School District and this intersection is under the jurisdiction of the Walnut Creek Police.  

This time I was on the phone with 911 at exactly in Safeway at 1:59 arguing with a drunk about his belligerent attitude toward my friend who was checking.  He's always been nice to me and has even purchased a soda on occasion.  

Just after leaving the store he came at me but knowing he was carrying 12oz cans I took a defensive posture, he took a swing at me full blown punch but i just ducked and he missed but fell over on his face when his weight and stupor took him down.  Rule of the day never fight with sober in-shape old man.  

From there I walked toward home when at the trailway paths I was about to cross when the phone rang back with WCPD asking if everything was OK as I called a second time.  By then it was about 2:25 AM

While on the phone I am sure that this was recorded when a late 90s chevy Cavalier raced by - but this time I had four witnesses who were also at Safeway - they were screaming as I was about to enter the crosswalk but I paused at the curb due so as to finish the 911 dispatch call from 925-935-6400 but the other number 925-642-4295 which CHP dispatch Martinez.  

I would have been killed if the persons standing in line behind me hadn't been on alert minutes later I would have been dead or damn close to it.  It was a combination of them getting my attention as I entered the Crosswalk.  I am sure their screams (witnesses) can be heard on 911 who were behind in line at Safeway.  There will be no glare in the security cameras like when the Petitioner was beaten up in 2009.  

Read my Beat the Petitioner article and beat up the roommate to make sure Pete is Homeless.  

Over a year ago I filed a complaint with Hillside Covenant Church in Walnut Creek but the process of getting to their insurance company took six months.  I advised them repeatedly that deflecting the investigation when the allegations also include attempted murder charges.  

Nope just keep on fucking praying - read up.  


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